Friday, January 14, 2011

New York

2010 Was Amazing!!!

We traveled more in 2010 than we have in our entire lives together. Why??? We don't know, just did it and were glad we did. Vegas, Florida, New York, Omaha and Hawaii. Talk about exciting and fun. Brenden turned 9 in Jan. Jadyn turned 4 in July and Tylie turned 2 in June. Bren loves 3rd grade. and has been doing so great in school. His hilite of the year was going to Arizona (first flight all by himself) to visit his cousins. He is still playing basketball and LOVING IT! Jadyn started preschool at United Methodist church. She loves it and does great in school, she also joined dance, where she is learning tap and ballet. Her first recital will be this summer. Tylie is potty trained!! She is my little happy go lucky baby. Growing up way too fast and can't wait to do all that her big sister does. Bill is still working at the body shop and I am still doing hair. We are thinking about some big changes and planning for retirement soon. We have had Mom and Dad here. They have been wonderful and helped us out so much. We are healthy, happy and loving each other so much!!